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My goal as a teacher is to help you achieve your goals! I believe the way to do that is through conscious exercise, consistency, personal attention, and corrections.
As someone who has been physically active her whole life, and has taken classes all over the world, I know what I like in a class and a teacher. It is the classes and teachers that I, as a student, gain the most from, that I, as a teacher, work to emulate. My classes provide structure and consistent practice time in an energized and camaraderie-based environment. I always give corrections, hands on and/or verbal. I do demonstrate as needed, but I prefer not doing the movement with my clients because it allows me to watch them and provide feedback. I love questions: both asking and answering them. I understand that all movement comes with a risk (though not as much risk as never moving). Injury prevention and recovery play key roles in all my classes, from what exercises we do to the corrections I make. I keep a vigilant eye on my students as they do their exercises, and help them correct perhaps long-standing habits that can lead to injuries or other physical complications later in life. While my students learn from me, I also learn from them; and my students are equal human beings who deserve respect. I never ask more of my students than I ask of myself but I always believe in pushing them to be the best they can be at that moment.

What I Teach:

  • Virtual group and private classes

  • In-person group and private classes in the Minneapolis and Edina, Minnesota area

  • Mat Pilates

  • Ballet

  • Stretching/Flexibility

  • Alignment

  • Injury prevention/recovery

  • Strength building workouts focused on balancing small and big muscles

  • Building a balance between flexibility, mobility and strength

  • Joint protection through isolation and mobility


Teaching Principals:

  • Make it Fun! ~ If exercise isn’t at least a little enjoyable, either through the type of exercise, the energy of the class, or the results we gain, we aren’t very likely to do it.

  • Form over Fancy – It isn’t important how big, fast or fancy-looking an exercise is, but how well executed it is; that is how we get true and long-lasting results.

  • Build Strength in Every Part of the Body (Including the Mind) – Strength isn’t just about a few large muscles of the body; it is about the strength of all the body’s muscles and the ability to control and utilize them.

  • True Strength Takes Time and Repetition – To truly build strength throughout the entire body, it takes time. It takes time to understand your body, to understand your strengths and weaknesses, to correct any mis-alignments or habits that may be preventing you from accessing this muscle or that muscle and then just to build strength. Nothing worthwhile comes without effort and reminders.

  • Injury Prevention and Recovery are Necessary – Injuries happen to all of us, from the extremely mild to the horribly extreme they are a part of life and they can affect every aspect of our lives. Sometimes we don’t even realize how long an old injury can affect us. Therefore, being mindful of injury prevention and recovery methods is crucial for any good teacher.

  • Corrections are Important – True teaching isn’t just about giving a class; we have exercise videos for that. True teaching is making sure clients improve and get the most out of each exercise and that is done through giving corrections: generalized and individualized.

  • Alignment is Key – Our bone alignment affects the ability of of muscles to engage or release. Being aware of our alignment and changing what needs to change to improve it helps prevent injury and provide more benefit out of every exercise. Plus it can help change our physical health outside of fitness class.

  • Knowing Why is Good – Knowing why we are doing something helps us to understand what the point of doing it is. In general, it helps remind us that what we are doing is beneficial, or not beneficial, even on our bad days, and, from an exercise standpoint, helps create greater body awareness.



Kaethe Ballet
Image by Daniel McCullough
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